There are several reasons why you should be blogging regardless of your end goal. If all you want is more website traffic, great! Blogging will get you there by improving your search rankings
There are several reasons why you should be blogging regardless of your end goal. If all you want is more website traffic, great! Blogging will get you there by improving your search rankings. If you want to keep visitors on your website for longer periods of time, then guess what? Start blogging.
Here are some of the reasons why you NEED to be blogging:
Search engines like popular content. That’s obvious, but what they also like is potentially interesting content. They look for frequently updating and relevant content in websites, especially that which attracts attention and traffic. Videos and Podcasts come to mind, but blogging is just as attractive and popular… And It’s really easy.
Forget about the search engines. It’s all about your customers and viewers after all. Your customers like to see interesting content (doesn’t everybody?). If they’re your customers, then it’s a safe bet that they’re already interested in what you have to say. Don’t be afraid to speak what you know and what you find to be new and interesting. You’re customers will appreciate it.
Having interesting content isn’t the only way to keep and attract customers. You need to give them value: facts and ideas that could actually help them. After a while your customers could tire of funny stories that you tell in your videos and blogs. They’re on your website because they believe they can learn something or get some value from you. You must invest the time and energy in them for them to invest and buy from you.
Tips To Help You Get Started
So if you aren’t blogging, then open up your notepad and start writing your first blog about writing your first blog. It’s that easy. Nearly every website has a blog feature built in. Make use of it. And, as always, if you want help, reach out to us!